Buy and sell on Coinmate

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Buy and sell on Coinmate

Buy and sell on Coinmate

Security and finance � they go hand-in-hand. Because we�ve been in the financial regulation, compliance and maintenance industry for years, we understand how important this basic fact is. That�s why your security is our number one priority.

Our Story CoinMate was born out of a marriage between a dedicated team of software developers and a group of top-notch economists and traders. After securing backing from a large IT company specializing in financial software, CoinMate drew first breath in early 2014 and is already on its way to making a significant impact. Even though CoinMate is brand new, everyone involved are early Bitcoin adopters with a varied level of skills, making us uniquely qualified to enter this burgeoning space.

Our Mission Our mission is simple � we�re here to support and contribute to the Bitcoin community. We do that three ways. First, we work hard to provide a simple, secure, low-fee trading platform. Second, we share our profit with traders through a reward network. Third, we provide the best customer support in the industry.


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